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One follow up question Joe.

It seems to me that EGL RUI requires a web services interface layer. Is that correct? Most of my "hand tooled" RUI apps use AJAX/JSON to talk to Java servlets. Would I be writing RPG service programs wrapped by web services for my EGL RUI apps or can I write directly to the DB? My question stems primarily from the ease with which you can create a CRUD app that goes "direct" to the DB in EGL vs using a RUI to access the data. RUI seemed to unnecessarily require a web service to handle the DB access where the non-RUI EGL method basically allowed you to point to the DB tables and it created all the I/O infrastructure quickly and easily. I was looking for the same "point to the table and go" ease of development in EGL RUI. Did I miss something?

Pete Helgren

Joe Pluta wrote:
Hi James!

Yes, it runs in the browser, but it requires scripting. There's no way around that. I don't know of a way to create a rich client interface without scripting (that's because you can't even do basic AJAX without scripting).

The EGL design, both rich client and thin client, is WYSIWYG. The fact that you write your rich client in simple, procedural EGL is part of the appeal. You can test your entire interface on the desktop without having to touch the host.


I haven't yet played with EGL, but it is starting to peak my interest. When
you say RichUI, this is still a web page, it just uses JavaScript to enhance
the view, correct? Does it account for users that have scripting disabled?

Also, is all EGL design WYSIWYG?

Thanks in advance,
James R. Perkins

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