I just finished an XML project, with similar paramaters to yours, (customer
running less that V5R4, so the fancy XML routine are not available).
I wound up with the following:
fill XMLWork with the inbound XML data
c eval XMLWork=InputBuf
fill XMLField with the XML tag you are processing, and call GetXML
c eval XMLField='<HostMessage>'
c exsr GetXML
c movel XMLResult HostMessage
XMLResult has the inbound value.
Here is the GetXML subroutine:
* This extracts XML data from an input field
c move *blanks XMLResult
c '>':1 scan xmlfield fl
c* add 1 fl
c xmlfield:fl scan xmlwork xmlpos 5 0 8180
c move XMLField XMLField2
c movel '/' XMLField2
c xmlfield2:fl scan xmlwork xmlpos2 5 0 9190
c xmlpos add fl xmlpos
c xmlpos2 sub 1 xmlpos2
c xmlpos2 sub xmlpos diff
c *in80 ifeq *on
c diff subst xmlwork:xmlposxmlresult
c endif
c *in81 ifeq *on
c movel 'error' xmlresult
c endif
c move XMLWork XMLWork 4096
c move XMLResult XMLResult 25
c move XMLField XMLField 25
c move XMLField2 XMLField2 25
c z-add diff diff 5 0
c z-add fl fl 5 0
"Paul Nelson" <nelsonp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
1. Can it be done?
2. Does it require an extra LPP?
3. Anybody got any code samples they are willing to post?
Paul Nelson
Office 512-392-2577
Cell 708-670-6978
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