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Anupam Sinha wrote (in RPG400-L):

I have this situation on which i have never worked and have a limited

There is a double byte i-series i.e. which supports English as well
Japanese language. I have a subfile program for file maintenance where
users can enter English as well Japanese language. I am able to enter the
Japanese character on display screen fields and successfully able to
update the physical file as well. However, when i go back to the same
program to see the inserted/updated data, it doesn't show up. However, if
i do RUNQRY on the physical file i can see the updated/inserted data.

I have compiled the display file with DBCS enabled i.e. IGCDTA as *YES,
IGCEXNCHR as *YES and CCSID as 5026 (for Japanese). Also, i have mentioned
the physical file field data type as O to indicate DBCS Open-Data i.e.
CCSID as 5026 in which different language characters need to be stored.

Is there anything else that i should consider while compiling the display
file/program/physical file or what could be the probable reason preventing
the Japanese characters to appear on the screen?

Anupam -

I assume you're using Windows and iSeries Access as your emulator.
Have you configured Windows to use the east Asian Languages, selected
Japanese as the Windows Language, and changed your emulator session to use
Japanese as the host code page?

BTW, I believe that we use 939 as the CCSID for our Japanese double-byte
environment which uses mixed English/Japanese...

- sjl

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