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Just took delivery of a new i5, configured to expect a LAN console. I spent
2 days trying to get LAN console to connect, then gave up, borrowed the
direct connect cable from another i5 and switched to direct connect console
from the control panel (ever tried that? - laborious or what!?). Ops Console then connected

That allowed to me to get the machine up and running but I'd now like to
sort out the console and switch it back to LAN (I don't want to have to
switch the direct connect cable from the one i5 to the other every time we
do a SAVSYS).

I think the original issue could be down to the i5 defaulting to an IP
address of, which is an actual address already in use elsewhere in the network.

My question: how do I configure LAN console to use a different IP address

The Ops Console manual is completely useless and just takes you through the menu options to choose without telling you what information to enter: it just says something stupid like "enter the IP values". The trouble is I'm totally
unclear what IP address to put where.

SST screen looks something like this:

Configure Service Tools LAN Adapter

Type choices, press Enter to verify input.

Resource name . . . . . . . : CMN05
Adapter type . . . . . . . : 2849
Adapter model . . . . . . . : 001
Adapter serial number . . . : 32-41061A2

Internet address . . . . . . 123.234.345.456
Primary router address . . . 234.345.456.567
Secondary router address . .
Subnet mask . . . . . . . . .


Is "Internet address . . . . . ." the i5 or the PC?
What are "Primary router address . . . "? and "Secondary router address . . "?

How do these relate to the IP address entered when configuring Ops Console
on the PC?

Any help gratefully received.


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