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It has been long enough since I set these up, my short-term memory may be messing with me. There used to be a place to select the font to print with, the character size, like the File>Page Setup> You had the options like you do now with CPI 10/12/15/17 (It may allow different options depending on the printer capabilities.) I only see 10/12/17 LPI 2-8 Max Lines/Page Max Char/Line and Font selection I thought I had to select an option, in this setup to allow it to print a character Image of the screen with no underlines or bolds. It would never print colors. I know the setting controlled Underscore and Bold, and I
thought it also controlled Col Separators.

I found that by selecting Use PDT, I get the opportunity to select HPPCL5. Sending it with this setup, does change the bold and underline on my printed output the way I want it to look. Thank you for the suggestion
thought I do appreciate it.

Dwight HoganCamp

Wayne McAlpine wrote:
You're probably thinking about Windows screen print. If you hit the PrintScreen key, the entire screen will be moved to the clipboard. Alt/PrintScreen will send only the current active window to the clipboard. You can then paste the screen image to any graphics editor like Paint.

Client Access provides for either Windows screen print or system screen print, but neither will preserve any graphics such as color or underlining.

Dwight wrote:
Now this finally makes sense and works! Once you are pointing at the right server/host and set things up the right way, it is amazing how well it work. The printer works nice now. Thank you for clearing that up
for me.

I do have a follow-up question.

On earlier versions of CA, (as I recall) we could go the page set up options for the display and tell it we want to print the image of the screen (including Underline, Colors, etc) or just text when you press print. I only find the font information on that screen now. Did IBM take that away or did they move it
and "simplify" it?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give in this area.

Dwight HoganCamp

pnelson@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
This is the location of the hosts fileC:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS
Here is the entry I have in it for my iSeries:   Eddie

I type in the IP address, hit tab a couple of times, and then give it a name. When creating a connection in iSeries Navigator, I just used Eddie as the system rather than the IP address.

The hosts file also gives me the ability to use FTP Eddie from a windows DOS prompt.

Give it another try

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