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I have a CPYSRCMBR cmd that I'm sending you off-list.  It includes a
CHGSRCDAT cmd that changes those source timestamps.

Of course, you may not want to use it because it uses a system-state MI
pgm, and I know you have an aversion to those :-)


James H H Lampert wrote:
The subject line says it all.

I've got a bunch of source files, in multiple libraries, not necessarily with the same owning user-ID, some of which have hundreds of members.

I'd like to be able to combine all the members of all the files for each source language into one source file per language. But just copying the members from PDM puts today's date-stamp on the copies. And saving and restoring the members seems to be very tricky, and doesn't work if there's the slightest trivial difference between the two files.

Is there a simple way to do this without disturbing the member-level datestamps?


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