× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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OK...now what if I have NO knowledge at all of Linux or
any of his relatives ???

Is there a "shrink wrap" email server that can be bought
and installed with very little pain and suffering that
is Linux based ???

The major hurdle on this deal, is that I will NOT be
on site for any problems. The customer is in NYC and I
need this to be "bullet proof" or "idiot proof" depending
on your perspective.

I know there are Windows "solutions" but I want something
that doesn't require a daily therapeutic IPL to run but
I'm open to options.

Domino is not an option in my opinion.

David Gibbs wrote:

I would suggest you take a bare bones machine and install your favorite
Linux distro on it and set that up as your mail server.

There are a number of very powerful smtp, pop3, imap, and webmail
servers available.


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