× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Think of CL as a script processor, with the associated limitations.  You
can't call a stored procedure from a script file, you can't chain to a
file from a script file. 

CL isn't an application programming language.  The fact that your job
depends on CL being a programming language means your company doesn't
understand the iSeries.

You can call procedures, so your complaint about calling ILE is moot.
This will allow SQL functionality (or just about anything else) by
simply calling SQLRPGLE procedures.

But if you're unable to figure that out, then again I suggest REXX.  You
can directly execute SQL statements inside of REXX and get the results
into program variables.

As to your other complaints (10 character names, multiple modules,
changing CL syntax), they're not at all realistic.

> From: Steve Richter
> I am trying to be helpful and what do I get in return - attacked by
> the boosters!  oh the burden :)   CL commands need to be improved so
> the programmer can call SQL and ILE procedures.  The 10 character
> system name limit has to be removed.  CLLE modules should be able to
> contain multiple procedures, just like RPG.   A = B + C ; is much more
> readable than CHGVAR VAR(A) VALUE(B + C)

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