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OK - we have a customer with V5R3.  When you use PDM
to copy a source member, the new member should have
the current date (the date you created it), yet it has
the date of the member you copied.  Works the same
(wrong) way with the CPYSRCF command.

Now, I did see PTF SI17661 (released 2005/05/05 and
not yet on any PTF cumulative package) that addresses
this problem.  Here's the strange part.  We have other
V5R3 customers, WITHOUT PTF SI17661, that do not
exhibit this problem.  Also, APAR SE19615 shows
there's also a V5R2 PTF for this same problem

SO - obviously there are MANY systems out there wihout
a PTF for APAR SE19615 that are not exhibiting this
problem.  So does anyone have a clue what causes it,
or under what conditions this problem occurs, and what
other PTF(s) may have fixed this problem?

Neil Palmer, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
(This account not monitored for personal mail,
remove the last two letters before @ for that)

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