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I haven't used Lansa or Genexus so I can't really comment on them.

However, I am a long time user of CA's Synon (now known as AllFusion 2E) and I recommend the tool. With Synon you actually have two choices -- 2E or Plex. I use 2E. 2E runs on the iSeries and has a number of generators -- RPG IV, RPG/400, COBOL, EJBs, HTML, DDS and SQL. Everything is built on the data model where all your files, fields and relationships are defined. You can also assimilate existing files into the data model. 2E handles many things for you and includes other utilities such as a database utility (YWRKF), a spooled file converter and a menu system. You can integrate a full change management solution with it and it already includes some helpful change management features like impact analysis. You create reusable functions and can easily find everywhere those functions are used.

Plex is Windows based development environment and allows you to build applications in Windows, Java or 5250.

I know it's late notice, but the Spring conference is next week (27th - 29th) in Boise and could be a great way for you to learn about the tools. The cost is only $100 per person with a maximum of $500 per company.

Spring Conference info:




At 4/22/2005 10:03 AM, midrange-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
from: Nino Onofre <ninoonofre@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Cases in AS400

In my company, we were evaluating Cases Tools for
AS/400, finally we have 3 Options: Synon, Lansa and
Genexus (Sound interesting).

Somebody knows weakness and strengths of each one?

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