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Modify for each type of object you need to change.  But most likely you need
to DSPOBJD to an out file and read the out file.  This will give you control
to write your own business rules that pertain to this type of change.

DSPOBJAUT for each object to a file adding to the file.  Then process that
file to GRTOBJAUT to set the necessary authorities.

Have fun then post your code in the Open Source forum for all of us.

Chris Bipes

-----Original Message-----


Basically, I've got some libraries where a significant number of objects
such as programs and commands currently have *PUBLIC authority of *ALL.
(Note: I didn't set it up, I just inherited the mess ;-)

What I need to do is change these objects to *USE.

The tricky part is some objects have been set *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE.  These
*EXCLUDE objects should not be changed, so I can't just globally change
every object in the library.  Additionally, there are some objects, such as
data queues that need to be changed from *ALL to *CHANGE instead of just
*USE.  I'll need a way to make sure I change any "data" type object from
*ALL to *CHANGE instead of *USE.

I figured before writing my own utility, I'd see if anybody had already done

I'd appreciate any guidance or code anyone would be willing to share.

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