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I am just getting started with user spaces and need some clarification

The 2nd parameter, 
I was trying to find out what the valid " *NAME " entries for 'extended
attributes' are when creating a user space and got myself totally confused
by the API manual.

All the examples I have found for creating a user space show this parameter
declared and initialized, but never filled with any value.

>From API manual:
"Extended attribute 
The extended attribute of the user space. For example, an object type of
*FILE has an extended attribute of PF (physical file), LF (logical file),
DSPF (display file), SAVF (save file), and so on.

The extended attribute must be a valid *NAME. You can enter this parameter
in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case. The API converts it to uppercase."

Where can I find the 'valid *NAME' values, their purpose, and how they can
be used?


Tim Kredlo

Start Info center/manual rant:
How come when I search for *NAME, I get 'invalid search query'?
When I search for "*NAME" I get all the 'NAME' finds, but not any "*NAME".
When I search for "User space extended attributes" nothing is returned?
If there was room to list some of the 'extended attributes for object type
'*FILE', why wouldn't the options for object type '*USRSPC" be listed
If they are the same as for type *FILE, why doesn't it say so?
If 'must be a valid *NAME'  just means that the field has to follow object
naming conventions, why put '*FILE attributes info here?
And why not just say 'the field name needs to follow valid object naming
How come the only IBM example of using QUSCRTUS I could find is written in
Why don't I get taken to the item/page of the index item I click on when I
am viewing the API manual?
Who decided that PDF was a good way to present web 'help'?
Why isn't the item you click on in the search results brought up over the
search results?

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