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It's not clear what you want to delete, or, more to the point, from where. Do you want to take the member off of the tape or off of your disk drive?

You cannot remove a member from the saved content on a tape - how would you take out a small part of what is really (for all practical purposes) a long stream of bytes and have it make any sense - you'd have to rewrite the entire tape from that point on. Impossible.

Tape is a sequential medium, not an all-points-seekable (I made up the term) medium like hard drives and CDs. That is part of why the industry had to get away from tapes in the early days, I believe. Too slow, sequential, can only go from beginning to end, no easy way to go back and forth, really.

I looked at the doc on RMVM2 - it is not for tape, it is for what is on your system. It has an ignore parameter, which I assume actually does something like a MONMSG under the covers. But it is not going to do any good for the contents of a tape.

To get the member out of the saved contents (and get the rest of the stuff on the tape) means--restore everything on the tape to disk, then remove the member in question, then save everything back to the same tape. Of course, if the tape is part of a multi-volume set, you need to restore the entire set, remove member, then save the entire set, because continuation from one tape to the next will be corrupted otherwise.


At 12:29 PM 9/17/2004, you wrote:
If I want to delete do I have to restore and then delete, any simple fix is there for this?

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Muralidhar Narayana
        Sent: Fri 9/17/2004 10:53 PM
        To: Muralidhar Narayana; midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject: RE: Tape

the object is archived to TAPE.It is something with backup.
I was advised to use
I was asked create a CL procedure that gets the Member to remove and use the TAATOOL command. That is why MBR(Member) for that parameter?..
-----Original Message-----
From: Muralidhar Narayana
Sent: Fri 9/17/2004 8:58 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Tape

Can someone let me know how to delete member which was archived to tape ?Thanks a ton for your help.
Iam trying to delete but it is giving following message.

                Cannot allocate object for file YRDWFILE in QIPEX.

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