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I'm not sure I understand the question - do you mean access to data in IFS files with ODBC? Then it'd be no, as there is no SQL database in the IFS, unless you were to install DB2 for Windows there - probably a bad idea. ODBC, after all, is mostly SQL, and makes any program calls through the SQL path.

OLE/DB might offer something, although the Client Access provider for OLE/DB only processes database, not other types of files. There may be other kinds of providers for various kinds of text files, etc., and those would work, if at all, through mapped drives, I think. Have never used nor seen such a thing.



At 10:08 AM 7/9/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> Is it possible to do ODBC from the IFS?  It seems
> possible but has anyone
> actually done it?

I believe that this subject got thrown off track by a
reply with another question on a different subject.

This is a question that I have asked many people, and
I believe that the answer to your question is 'NO'.
If anyone knows otherwise, I too, would like to have
an answer to this question or a feasable workaround :)
Don McIntyre

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