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My memories a little hazy on the 400-series hardware, but here are my

The system could be ordered with various MFIOP's which determined the
type of console available on the system.  If you have an embedded #2609
then odds are that your system was configured for Client Access Console.
This also seems to be true because you had to add the #6050 twinax card.
One of the ports is designated for Electronic Customer Support (ECS) and
the other for the Console.  The documentation states that the first line
is designated for ECS and the second for console support.  You will have
to determine how first and second lines translate into physical reality
on your box.

Strange to say, there is a piece of information you did not include in
your posting.  Can you describe the cable you are using for Client
Access?  The 400 originally shipped with either feature code #9026 (20')
or #9027 (8'), what are you using?  This would make a difference, a
standard communications cable will not work.

I know on some machines Port 0 of the twinax controller will function as
a console even if the machine is configured for a PC Console.  I don't
know if this is true of the model 400.  To test, make sure that no cables
(either console or Remote Panel) are connected to the machine when you
power it up.  If you had cables connected at the time, the console may
not have worked reliably.  It is also possible that your #6050 is not
functioning properly (although I doubt it).

Andy Nolen-Parkhouse

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