× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Don wrote:

>I don't know about sexy, guess it depends on what floats your boat.  It
>was designed to be as simple to use as point to your country and click.  I
>figured that if anyone was on the net, they should be able to find their
>area of geo interest on a map.  There's also provision to add graphics for
>non-english areas in the local dialects and script....
Well, as long as I'm busy with the accolades, let me tell you what I
like so much about your page. It is clean and focused. It is a good
example of a straight forward interface that just doesn't need
explanation for the user. Use of a geographical map as an image map is
extremely clear in the setting of looking for a geographically based UG.
So you had the advantage of a "natural" interface.

While the map is raised for the 3d effect (in the regional maps), the
lines to separate areas are crisp and clean. The overall color scheme
simple and effective, as is the use of graphics at all.

The pages aren't overdone, but the items on the pages seem to be done
very well.

I wish more people would produce pages with the same balance. A page
doesn't need to be a circus of graphics and color to be attractive. An
appropriate balance makes the page so much more useful.

In fact, probably the best selling point to your site is the fact that
to find what I want I zipped past everything in just seconds because it
was so easy to use. I had to go back to look at the pages to see the

>David does a much under recognized service to the Midrange community.
>Perhaps this is why iSN links to it...:)
David does. I was going over the different resources and it occurred to
me how much value this list has. Over the years I have just seen so many
problems handled here that would have left programmers, implementers,
and managers struggling for days or weeks. I've been sort of trying to
distill the successful ingredients that make the midrange.com lists so

For one, the membership is of great value. The people who've used this
list over the years are guys with a lot of knowledge and who are
unafraid to share that. There is a small amount of policing which has
gone up as the list membership has climbed.

What I think I like best is the diversity of the knowledge available
here. You can ask a question about loading or positioning a subfile,
MRTs under RPG II, record locking using a Java client, or the size of
the generator recommended for a 170. Even when I'm way to busy with junk
heap HTML code, I love to read this list just to keep my head in the

In fact, if a guy needed proof you can do everything with an AS/400 but
turn lead to gold, he could just cull through the archives of the
midrange.com lists.

Sorry to rattle on, but I'm sort of metal listing "successful actions"
in case I might feel the need to get off my butt and do something for
the iSeries Community.

Chris Rehm

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart...
...Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31

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