This is a multipart message in MIME format. -- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Well, it still leaves me confused. Quoting Rodney's reply: "In order to have the print text changed for a spooled file, one would have to read the data from the existing spooled file and then put the data to a printer file (just like the application did) to get new print text." Isn't that what your tool does? Tom Hightower Solutions, Inc http://www.simas.com ------------ If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed... oh, wait - he does. "Brad Stone" <brad@bvstools.com> Sent by: midrange-l-admin@midrange.com 10/10/01 08:38 PM Please respond to midrange-l To: midrange-l@midrange.com cc: Subject: Re: FW: Print Text and Spooled Files Thanks a bunch for this, Paul! It answers my question. They should clarify this in the documentation for QSPCRTSP. :) Brad On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 17:51:57 -0400 "Paul Tykodi" <paul@intermate-us.com> wrote: > Dear Brad, > > I forwarded your question about Print Text to Rodney > Johnson at IBM. One of > his primary duties is working with the spooling > capabilities of OS/400. He > frequently answers questions in the > comp.sys.ibm.as400.misc newsgroup. His > answer to your question is appended below. > > Best Regards, > > /Paul > /Paul > -- > Paul Tykodi > Director, Printer Connectivity Product Management > LCI-Intermate US, Inc. > > p: 603.431.0606 x115 > f: 603.436.6432 > paul@intermate-us.com > www.intermate.com >
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