× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


I avoid directly entered JSP whenever possible. A lot of that has to do with the
capabilities of VA/Java.  If you are using NetBeans JSP is fine. Custom tags are
one way to avoid JSP. Custom tags are also somewhat limited by the JSP
implementation defined by Sun. Given a choice, I would use an XML-based
derivative known as XSP.

Filters are still pretty new. You are right that security is probably one of 
the best
fits. Other areas where filters might make sense are logging/auditing and 
I have run into problems in the 2.2 spec that filters should fix (I haven't had 
a chance
to go back and try them though). One of those is the redirection of a form to 
itself after
an initialization pass. Filters should allow more complete control when making 
passes using one or more servlets.

David Morris

>>> joepluta@PlutaBrothers.com 10/01/01 10:57AM >>>
How about this: WebSphere is great for JSP1.1 support.  JSP1.2 introduces
some cool features.  Custom tag libraries have a ton of potential, but are
not yet universally supported, so I tend to shy away from them, at least for
the time being.  Filters are even more bleeding edge; in fact, if you have
some good information on practical applications, I'd be happy to check them
out.  The one thing that does stand out quickly is a security filter.

But in the final analysis, I'm pretty much an old-school developer.  I'm a
tool-and-die guy, I make technology work with today's applications.  If I
don't need a new feature to implement my target, I don't use it.  So I'm
perfectly happy with JSP1.1 and Servlet1.2, which means I'm perfectly happy
with WebSphere.  For now <grin>.


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