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  • Subject: Re: Client Access Express Question -Reply
  • From: Jerome Draper <jdraper@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 11:16:00 -0700

Actually, the screen shots look like Synapse NetWolf and/or Synapse WinAPPC
because Synapse wrote the original NetSoft 16 bit software and licensed it
to NetSoft who wrote the APPC router to begin with.  

You might also see a striking resemblence between Synapse NetWolf and
Attachmate Rally!, DCA IRMA/400, Connectronnix WinTronnix, and Micro
Integration 5250 for SNA because all of these products were originally
written by Synapse.  Synapse engineers were originally Software Systems,
Inc. in the early 1980's and then they founded Emerald Technology oin 1984
which was later acquired by Andrew Corp (1988) which was spun off into
today's Nlynx/DecisionData.  Sounds increasingly complex but consider:  how
many really top 5250 oriented enginerring groups actually exist anyway in
the AS400 world?

A bit of historical perspective,


At 12:13 PM 6/21/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Just looked at the screen shots!  Looks like Netsofts old NS/Elite 16 bit
>app.  They must have had some of the programmers that abandoned ship
>several years ago.  Wonder if Netmanage knows about this?  Not that I
>care.  Thanks for the info. though, not sure what we're going to do,
>except pull our hair out for a few days (or weeks)  :-(
>>>> Jerome Draper <jdraper@wco.com> 06/21/00 11:48am >>>
>I don't think that GUI/400 is included in the CAE400 product.  The product
>I recommend, use, support, and sell is Synapse NetWolf.  It has a rich
>printer interface and they do not charge for either tech support or on-line
>updates.  You can download a full running demo at
>At 02:23 PM 6/20/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>>Since loading V4R3 we are going to have to get rid of Netmanage's
>>NS/Portfolio for AS/400.  We no longer have support with them and
>>printing via TCP/IP doesn't work anymore (uh oh!).
>>Is GUI/400 in this "new" (to me) cae400 product?  Just read IBM is also
>>dumping ca400 for win95/nt, os/2, win3.1, and dos.  They're only going
>>to market cae400 (for the time being anyway).

Jerry Draper, Trilobyte Software Systems, since 1976
Specializing in connecting PC's, Windows, MAC's, and LAN's to the AS/400
Representing Synapse, Apple, UDS, Nlynx, Perle, Lucent, etc.
(415) 457-3431; (415) 258-1658fax; jdraper@wco.com
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