× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

>> I need some ammunition to throw at them. 

Do it. One of the best thing IBM ever did. Runs a pure TCP/IP connection and
no SNA router. Also, eliminates shared folder and printers. Both of these
come from NetServer.

Netserver is superb. I found it to be much faster than shared folders. Try
clicking on the top level of the directory tree with shared folders. Plan to
wait a long time. Netserver does it very quickly. Still a delay but small
compared to shared folders. 

But the big thing NetServer does for you is to lock down your AS/400. With
shared folder, basically your whole system is hanging open. Everything is
basically open for anybody to look at or delete unless you assign all
objects to a group that has no public authority and then give every user
access to the group. Big job and not one you do unless you are installing a
new system or something.

With Netserver, you have to go in and specially make a folder shared just
like in NT. Anything else is untouchable.

We are using IFS and Netserver for everything we are doing and converting a
lot of old stuff where possible.

User love it because it just looks like a NT server just like everything

I could go on for pages about the advantages of Express and Netserver. Just
love the product. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Sundell PMI [mailto:ESundell@pmi.delta.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 5:12 PM
To: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
Subject: Express and Netserver

Hello all, I trying to convince my superiors that the wave of the future is
Client Access Express and Netserver and that's what we should go to before
January. We are on V4R3 on our 730 production box and V3R1M3 for our Client.
Right now we use Network Neighborhood to get to our Shared Folders. My Boss
wants to use Express for all of the regular users and V313 for the Shared
folders. He and the other managers think there would be a performance
with running Netserver, I can't see how this could be. I need some
ammunition to
throw at them. I tested NetServer out and it ran great, plus I just shared
instead of everything.

We have Windows Lic#5769-XW1 so we get Express free, I thought I read
that V313 was going to start charging for Licenses. Also how much longer
V313 be around?

Any Help Would be Appreciated.
Eric Sundell AS400/PC Specialist

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