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  • Subject: Re: Query conversion
  • From: "Dan Bale" <dbale@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 15:06:20 -0400


>>You can use the RTVQMFRM command to retrieve the output format from the
>>query, CRTQMFRM to create a form that can be referenced by the STRQMQRY
>>command. I've used this a few times and it has reproduced the Query output.

My experience trying to reproduce Query's printed output using RTVQMQRY,
RTVQMFORM, CRTQMFORM, CRTQMQRY, and STRQMQRY has usually left me exasperated to
the point where I just finally throw up my hands and re-do the whole thing using
OPNQRYF to get the data, and feed it into an RPG report program to print the
dang thing.  Note that the only reason I'd ever do this is because a user
requires a front-end data selection prompt to select the data to print on the
report.  Otherwise, I'd just stick with using Query.


>>The documentation for QMFORMs is among the worst ever written.  If you need
>>to modify one, be prepared to set a spell.  You can do some things in the
>>header and footer that you can't do with Query400.  Also the default width
>>for the QMQRY print file is 80 columns.  If you need wider printed output,
>>you'll need to override the print file.

And, by the time you've done all that, wouldn't you have been ahead just doing
the OPNQRYF / RPG route?

Just my $.02

- Dan Bale

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