× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Your points are well taken...but.......

"You make a wild assumption here.  Two in fact.  Why would you assume she is
an agent based upon her words?  And why would you say such a wild thing as
"...you are probably taking advantage..."?  Agents serve a good purpose and
work hard for their money.  I use agents regularly and they are a boon to
me.  There are a whole lot of client problems that just disappear when an
agent is involved."

How else would I presume she was an agent other then based on her
words....last time I checked I wasn't psycic in any form.  FYI..it was her
use of the word "consultant" that made me (falsly) presume this.  I am
pleased that you have found agents to be of a boon to you.  That is just not
my personal experience.  They are money grabing low-lives with no more right
to live on God's green Earth then a Weasel (just my and most of the
Consultants I know of opinions...in fact, out of the 20-30 consultants I
speak to on a regular basis, only 1 is completely happy with their agency).
I completely agree that a lot of client problems disappear when agents are
used..i.e. getting paid on time etc.  But that does come at a price.

"You allow anyone to instill thoughts in you?  Why?"

Why?...well...for pretty much the same reason as when I watch the BBC News I
believe it to be the truth without doing my own personel verification.  When
starting out in the work place at a young age with little to absolutely no
knowlege of this industry, the word of Management and peers has a large
influence (in my humble opinion).  Hence the use of the word instill.

"Promoting our business and ourselves is one thing, using our employer's
time and pay to damage the employer and then leaving and taking customers
with us is just plain unethical.  Besides it isn't very effective."

Unethical....get real.  I have no idea who you are or what you do, but you
need to take a long look around you at the world of business practice.  You
say it's not very effective...where is your data to substantiate that
statement.  Of the people and companies I know of (a limited amount to be
sure) it seems a very effective practice.

Thanks for your comments.

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