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Is it true that IBM are pushing JAVA as the next native AS/400 language
to replace RPG, and if so what are the likely timescales on this?

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   HAVEAJOB@aol.com [mailto:HAVEAJOB@aol.com]
                Sent:   Thursday, March 18, 1999 6:44 PM
                To:     MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
                Subject:        Re: Lansa

                In a message dated 3/18/99 11:49:01 AM Central Standard
                Lise.Driggers@sonus.com writes:

                << I am returning to the 400 world after staying home
with my children.  I
                 hearing that Lansa is the future.  Any opinions out
                 I have seen some of it and have not been impressed so
                 If not Lansa, where should I focus my training.  I am
currently an RPG III
                 Lise Driggers >>

                Ms. Driggers:

                Lansa would certainly not be a BAD direction to take but
I think you might
                find that future opportunities will pay well but be
fewer in quantity.  In my
                experience, Lansa has an excellent reputation but its
usage is not as widely
                spread.  Your own career factors should be looked at
carefully, i.e., what is
                most important to you?  As an exercise, you might rank
the following in order
                of importance to you
                - advancement/professional development
                - money
                - challenges
                - security
                - location
                and then relate the factors to your background and
interests professionally.

                Here's an example of what I mean...say you become a
Lansa expert.  You will
                earn a higher salary and have more job security as long
as Lansa is accepted
                and utilized by the midrange comunity.  However, you
might not have as wide a
                choice of work locations as you might if you
concentrated on another area of
                programming or development.  Also, if the position
entails "putting out fires"
                by being the Lansa go-to person, you may not find it
personally challenging.

                Based on client feedback, I would suggest that you
update general development
                and programming skills...developing RPG4 and ILE skills
first will provide a
                strong foundation and then I would  maybe look at trying
to get specific
                training on a more widely used or up-and-coming package
(pick one from a large
                group, maybe Domino/400, JBA, Lansa, etc).  This will
provide more job
                opportunity in almost any area of the country by
traveling this career path.

                Just my 2 cents...comments and feedback to me either
from the Midrange-L forum
                or personally would be appreciated.  Regards - 

                Dave Brown
                Search Professionals, Inc.

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