Oh, well done. When you're challenged on your position, attack the person.
BTW, since you're so good at looking things up, look up *ad hominem" while
you're at it.
Sorry, pal, didn't realize that you were unable to abide any challenge to
your orthodoxy.
-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-jobs-bounces+kevin_gallaway=hotmail.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-jobs-bounces+kevin_gallaway=hotmail.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of SJL
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 6:41 AM
To: Paul Nelson; midrange-jobs@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Open discussion among iSeries Users'
Subject: [MIDRANGE-JOBS] H-1B/offshoring debate at UCLA
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Kevin's favorite pasttime is...
Kevin -
I indicated in a previous post that Dr. Matloff's article REFERRED TO the
Times of India article. Had you actually _read_ what Dr. Matloff wrote, you
would have seen the link to the Times of India article in what he wrote.
However, since his article is text-based, the URL to the Times of India
article was not clickable.
By the way, Norm Matloff is the most credible and articulate spokesman that
we have in the fight against outsourcing, offshoring, and importation of
cheap foreign labor.
So I'll try one more time:
First read this entire article -
Then read this one -
In the future, please try not to be so obtuse (I'll save you time by posting
the definition below...)
- sjl
ob.tuse /?b'tus, -'tyus/ [uhb-toos, -tyoos]
-adjective 1.not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not
sensitive or observant; dull.
2.not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form.
3.(of a leaf, petal, etc.) rounded at the extremity.
4.indistinctly felt or perceived, as pain or sound.
[Origin: 1500-10; < L obtusus dulled (ptp. of obtundere), equiv. to ob- ob-
+ tud-, var. s. of tundere to beat + -tus ptp. suffix, with dt > s]
-Related forms
ob.tuse.ly, adverb
ob.tuse.ness, noun
-Synonyms 1. unfeeling, tactless, insensitive; blind, imperceptive,
unobservant; gauche, boorish; slow, dim.
www.Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, C Random House, Inc. 2006
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