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On 10-Dec-07, at 1:00 PM, James Lampert wrote:

My predecessors had already done
much to both optimize it and make it more readable, but I still ended up
spending over a year going through it, one subroutine at a time, to
optimize it for space, speed, and maintainability.

This got me thinking. Has anyone here done any tests to compare the execution speed of MI programs vs comparable C programs? IBM doesn't write in MI any more and by sticking with MI you lose most of the optimization options that are available to ILE programs. The vast majority of MI instructions are surfaced in the C compiler and if I recall correctly are not called as functions (as they would be if called from RPG) but replaced by in-line code streams which should be a lot more efficient.

C code has to be a lot more maintainable than MI and there are many more tools to work with it.

SO is there really any reason to use MI for new code? Does it really perform any better?

Jon Paris


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