Here's a checksum-calculating program. First create save file QTEMP/STDIN and save a little program object into it; then create *empty* save file QTEMP/STDOUT; then run this program. This program reads from save file QTEMP/STDIN and strips off all checksums and writes to user space QTEMP/SAVEFILE in 512-byte pages. Then it pops up a command line (where you can call some home-grown program to modify the data in the user space). Then it reads from the user space and recalculates all the checksums and writes to save file QTEMP/STDOUT. In other words this is an alternative to system service tools display/alter/dump. /********************************************************************/ /* PROCEDURE - PATCHSAVF */ /* PURPOSE - allow patch of binary data in save file */ /* LANGUAGE - REXX */ /* AUTHOR - Gene Gaunt */ /********************************************************************/ "OVRSAVF STDIN TOFILE(QTEMP/STDIN)" "OVRSAVF STDOUT TOFILE(QTEMP/STDOUT)" userspace = "SAVEFILE QTEMP " /* copy from save file "STDIN" to user space "SAVEFILE" */ big = '' do total = 1 by 512 parse linein record if record == '' then leave big = big || left( record, 512 ) end total if total == 1 then return big = overlay( substr( big, 65, 16 ), big, total - 16 ) big = overlay( copies( '00'x, 16 ), big, 65 ) "CALL QUSCRTUS (&userspace", "' '", "x'" || D2X( total - 1, 8 ) || "'", "x'00'", "'*ALL'", "'" || copies( ' ', 50 ) || "'", "'*YES'", "x'00000000')" do X = 1 by 512 while X < total "CALL QUSCHGUS (&userspace", "x'" || D2X( X, 8 ) || "'", "x'00000200'", "x'" || C2X( substr( big, X, 512 )) || "'", "'0'", "x'00000000')" end X /* call external program to modify binary data in user space */ "CALL QUSCMDLN" /* calculate 16-byte checksum over entire savefile data */ big = '' record = copies( '00'x, 512 ) do X = 1 by 512 while X < total "CALL QUSRTVUS (&userspace", "x'" || D2X( X, 8 ) || "'", "x'00000200'", "&record", "x'00000000')" big = big || record end X big = overlay( right( big, 16 ), big, 65 ) sum.0 = copies( '55'x, 8 ); count.0 = 1; max.0 = 251 sum.8 = copies( 'AA'x, 8 ); count.8 = 121; max.8 = 257 do X = 1 by 16 while X < total if X // 512 == 1 then "SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9897) MSGF(QCPFMSG) ", "TOPGMQ(*EXT) MSGTYPE(*STATUS) MSGDTA('reading record", X % 512 + 1 || " of " || total % 512 || " . . .')" do R = 0 to 8 by 8 snip = substr( big, X+R+7, 1 ) || substr( big, X+R, 8 ) work = '' do N = 1 to 8 char = bitand( '07FF'x, substr( snip, N, 2 )) work = work || sbox( C2D( char ) + 1 ) end N bits = X2B( C2X( bitxor( sum.R, work ))) sum.R = X2C( B2X( substr( bits || bits, 30, 64 ))) if count.R == max.R then do count.R = 0 work = '' bits = X2B( C2X( sum.R )) do N = 1 to 32 work = work || substr(bits, N, 1) || substr(bits, N+32, 1) end N sum.R = X2C( B2X( work )) if R == 8 then do swap = sum.0 sum.0 = left( sum.0, 4 ) || right( sum.8, 4 ) sum.8 = left( sum.8, 4 ) || right( swap, 4 ) end end count.R = count.R + 1 end R end X big = overlay( sum.0 || sum.8, big, total - 16 ) /* write the savefile records with new 12-byte record checksums */ numeric digits 200 do X = 1 by 512 while X < total "SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9897) MSGF(QCPFMSG) TOPGMQ(*EXT)", "MSGTYPE(*STATUS) MSGDTA('writing record", X % 512 + 1 || " of " || total % 512 || " . . .')" row = D2C( X % 512 + 1, 4 ) pod = add( row || substr( big, X, 57 ), substr( big, X + 57, 62 )) pod = add( pod, substr( big, X + 119, 63 )) pod = add( pod, substr( big, X + 182, 64 )) pod = add( pod, substr( big, X + 246, 65 )) pod = add( pod, substr( big, X + 311, 66 )) pod = add( pod, substr( big, X + 445, 67 )) pod = add( pod, substr( big, X + 377, 68 )) sum = add( substr( pod, 1, 5 ), substr( pod, 6, 6 )) sum = add( sum, substr( pod, 12, 7 )) sum = add( sum, substr( pod, 19, 8 )) sum = add( sum, substr( pod, 27, 9 )) sum = add( sum, substr( pod, 36, 10 )) sum = add( sum, substr( pod, 58, 11 )) sum = add( sum, substr( pod, 46, 12 )) say substr( big, X, 512 ) ||, row ||, bitxor( left( sum, 8 ), left( big, 8 )) ||, right( sum, 4 ) end X "CALL QUSDLTUS (&userspace x'00000000')" "SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9897) MSGF(QCPFMSG) MSGDTA('Done.')" return ADD: return D2C( 2 * C2D(arg(1)) + C2D(arg(2)), length(arg(2))) SBOX: return substr(, '90ACA3F7E3E620BE686E0935EA4EFD6C'x ||, '5C1BDA4A1C277BC2C045D0C4DF81D4F3'x ||, 'F40EE162B2C8DBA722F52F33D1511DF6'x ||, '44A81F4B3861BFB48B5269D2EBD8CA26'x ||, '96FAB1E08E8C9A1AA1070CA232461506'x ||, '767805B0084953BA4C5D91F1239D13E8'x ||, '5AF81485A5CD01B51957983C65501E82'x ||, '9B9754022A165B6D708473E7C118959F'x ||, 'D94279B89EF98A66B3877A31E23756DD'x ||, 'D700CF28C9C3ECD68389FC715F21643B'x ||, '807F127D0A47553FA048B9A9102CDEFF'x ||, '3039FBA41725F0B604ABAAD5BB2D0D43'x ||, '6BD3BC0F72F292DC592488674FCCAF2E'x ||, '3D7763CB7CB7EEAE11416AE575AD9C5E'x ||, 'C7033A604D407E368D3474C63ECEEDE4'x ||, '0B8FBD8693FEE92994EF2B6FA658C599'x ||, '862693B4A1808FBEF1EF7996C436DA4B'x ||, 'BFFE84410E0D05B911D1E0D390337C9E'x ||, '925E7034092B288827DFA04AF41CA519'x ||, 'C97D138B66C23523089D6429B2585125'x ||, 'F94F3BA67EBBF3C00769CE38D04699BD'x ||, '838C715B9A30763997A27B54814EA452'x ||, '7455F549E2DCF7D7C62D0FB3B1601D06'x ||, '633E8EE56C2E5C9F14C1D6CD6DCB15D8'x ||, '785A161F9B95ACD57F00C82FB5BC3D1E'x ||, 'EB5077ED6AEE0AB668DE72CA61A8AF3C'x ||, '734D7AF8A3D9EAD4043F2124FF22E145'x ||, '822CDD91A9A7C73A6B9CE7D2BADB320B'x ||, '3120CC44015F62574218E9B0560CFDE6'x ||, '6747C5B840FBFA378502C353AAF02A94'x ||, 'CFEC5D75F2E86FF64CB7AD031AAE8998'x ||, '8D106517591B6EE3AB871243E4488AFC'x ||, 'AF7FECFD34E7A79B264FA26A80876000'x ||, 'DE6469A1D237A5C3868136A42DE3E268'x ||, 'B75D14C795294D66D133AD572AC13B32'x ||, '52CAEF488E515EAA3F412256C45CD809'x ||, '03E4AEA902C6E824658F946BD4CCB2CD'x ||, 'B11884973AFC28E5D5546225BBEE433E'x ||, '21B57D05A8B0116F729198CEFBB3C296'x ||, '01B65FA692EB751B705BC51042D3FE44'x ||, '9A5A764661770F2F4583F406DC8BD01E'x ||, '0DAB7BBEBA070CAC20C0FF041C30BD31'x ||, 'F939FA15D9DAA340799C23F7A04B6EB4'x ||, 'D6CF1ACBD7EAE6E9BF2E9959ED359E8A'x ||, '53E0718DDBF22CBC934908DF1778850A'x ||, 'C82B891967384A82C9F8134CDD4E0E50'x ||, '3C7455B89FF56C587EF69D7AB9E18827'x ||, '8C73F1161FF36D3D0B7C6390471DF012'x ||, '8C09A4537C78A64AFF20B4698F6CFE75'x ||, '08B13CA9F06F3AD1B83D16D7B685AC54'x ||, 'E74BBE3B70CD023810D0C10BC749872E'x ||, 'AD6E0CC4C9341541847EA7E15EA32959'x ||, '446A4E6B363EE0DA149A04DD880A67A0'x ||, '58246118A50755D31D45C01FAEE29617'x ||, 'A1D964E38625CEB59C749B5AEBC692AA'x ||, '5D482DFC800EA2681B2F5651D866FAF9'x ||, '225CC52C7265B71AE871762B8D30D5B3'x ||, 'EA5BBBF6912795CB7B31E635239EC2B9'x ||, '7FEE90EFC82AE5E93F7342BD4CF7CC06'x ||, '57C319F51E83D279B0D6975040993993'x ||, '46A8818A370D9D477ACADBFD82608BAB'x ||, '89DED4E49F1CB24FF8F252ED7D00F443'x ||, '7701281362056D5F4D2621BF3233BA12'x ||, 'BC8E63F1ECAF94980FDCDF03FBCFF311'x ||, '8D6C2B37A77B7586224E356D71C54470'x ||, '03B7E1D52709A206B37A8131C04BCF9E'x ||, '112C884F841EEE8759B2681383891F0D'x ||, '40A69CB9CC4DCA50325B7DEFA8D23025'x ||, 'FCEB964267771A1CE5BDC71B65EA72AC'x ||, '5FAB5A499992044AE8D957D6AFF99473'x ||, '647CF8FDC33E14F421B1A0B833A1009F'x ||, '9352AE3C2654F7DE91DF18289B5EE461'x ||, '5CD3E6ECD0763FF1B05655C12E19F338'x ||, 'DA076AED8F021D20410AF6582A4C7F3B'x ||, 'BB8034056B166E46F52FE7DBC9D1A53A'x ||, '36E93D29FA9D0E23F2FEFF698ABFDD6F'x ||, '74471017E20824C401B6A90C5D537945'x ||, '856366951551ADCD98B4A39ACED478E0'x ||, '62F0B560DC8BC2C8BAA482C639BC7E0B'x ||, 'BECB2D1248E3D7FB0F4397AAD88C908E'x ||, '2E29C59A4FA9D792E0D88232C4CB1D5E'x ||, '7A64B79E63EBB6AC10169C132A21D0DF'x ||, 'E76548D92D7B9846AAFDE3B51EB4BC43'x ||, '07A47F879F4A67972CDB3DF3EA3CFCD1'x ||, '279D256FF652DEAD40A69BA81ABE0DE6'x ||, '2641BF386C20E174ED2B5C96B2E4C11F'x ||, '280049FBBDA06D2336A18A458D1B7D44'x ||, 'F5542F536A4EBBFE1108937266174BC2'x ||, '71847E894D3ACF83FAE9DC24570C8F81'x ||, '8CD57076475D229419885B3EE81C8B02'x ||, '99AE805514068615733439C004953B8E'x ||, '0EA2C3B16075C969A3CA595A8533E5D4'x ||, '0BF0AFD356CED27C3FB912EE5FE2F2FF'x ||, 'F7CC37ABDD42C801F809CDC7A75158D6'x ||, 'B0BA030A05F17931F478EC4C91A56890'x ||, '62355030C6776E180FDAB3B8F96B61EF'x ||, '1DFD3920DB8DF8D6F3FE5D5F9F612338'x ||, '64B550F0B61C136EE4212BAF53C2F4E1'x ||, '48FB6A305B78FFFCA6CC91B9E9696CF6'x ||, '288E09CD7943257CED0AEF7F98451B34'x ||, 'DE2F8AEC08527146C99759D860BAD3B2'x ||, '338F5104C51F5E2ED7A5735AC1D92647'x ||, 'CE7D7BF249DD704457A817279AC64C3F'x ||, 'ABA936628811DA89416B80AC6DBB372D'x ||, '860CAAA7AE35B1DCB4745C96314E1602'x ||, 'F19D19B8653D9E7E0E752AD43CE57A01'x ||, '9205565829B3EBE34D5495228163D532'x ||, '071EA4A315CAE2CF9018A26F42EA3E1A'x ||, '9B724FD04B83A0B03AA106949CE03BD2'x ||, 'E7BD84BF67BE93B79987BC0012C4DF4A'x ||, 'EED1E80D8276F5E62414C355CB770F68'x ||, '858C8BAD2C10F740FAC76603F90BC8C0'x ||, 'E11DEB76B4ED9AAE978E416F3F2029FF'x ||, 'A2032470FED3F97E3575376A339DF2DA'x ||, '52791E81CA3D54995948CF1BA74DE7E3'x ||, '7702D51096A05B3C0468DB5DDEAAC594'x ||, 'C87BAD0AABF85E86280E2E57BB430BA3'x ||, '49DF826417B52122BCC3AFA127140525'x ||, '384012C2453A116EB2CB69BF6142CE85'x ||, '3480EF90C0607C4CE26C5C445072FD4F'x ||, 'DD7F4788832FB995EC3E74D25A2B235F'x ||, 'BDA4D007C94A3B78F636A6AC19E0E413'x ||, 'C6D7F0847158EE7A9C890F8CB60CB0F7'x ||, '46565500FB0DFAA887C765668B9373D6'x ||, 'E55108E6A59FB31C7DE8F332D9018D2D'x ||, 'C1F1CD4B061509532CF4B16DFC92B79B'x ||, 'BAF5161A8A39DCD4268F181FBE6BE9CC'x ||, '63EA3067B8A9912A989ED8C431D14E62'x, arg( 1 ), 1 )
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