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The installer should just start to install tn5250j. The command 'java -jar tn5250j-install-0.6.2_beta-1.jar' should start the installer. It shouldn't be unizipped, just run as a jar.

There does appear to be an issue with the tn5250j shell script so you may want to recreate it or just try java -jar tn5250j.jar in the /lib folder to run it after the installer is done.

The sourceforge site has very OLD files, not even as recent as what you can pull and build from SVN so they probably won't fix the problem.

Turns out I can commit on tn5250j and I have been in touch with another developer to try to start moving things forward. My first task it to try to replicate the existing bugs that are listed for Windows and Linux (sorry Mac folks, I don't have a Mac to test with) and then fix those bugs. Once that is done, I'll package up a new distro.

I might be able to do this over the long Thanksgiving holiday.


Aaron Bartell wrote:
Pete, I downloaded that link but am not sure what to do with it on Linux after unzipping it?

I also downloaded the lastest tn5250j from sourceforge.net <http://sourceforge.net> and it still doesn't kill the java job when I close the editor. Could it be the JVM I am using? I tried it with "OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime" and also with "Sun Java 6 Runtime".

What is everybody else using?

Aaron Bartell

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Pete Helgren <Pete@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Pete@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

I have a new installer build here: http://www.petesworkshop.com/downloads/tn5250j-install-0.6.2_beta-1.jar

You might give it a try. I wasn't able to replicate Aaron's
experience in Windows or Linux (OpenSuSE 11.1) but that doesn't
mean it is fixed....


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