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Anybody have any idea what the following error means? I get it on both of my systems regardless of my connection method (VPN and access private IP or forward through firewall.)

3078829816:error:1407741A:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert decode error:s23_clnt.c:674:

Unfortunately, I don't know when it worked last... I do know that SSL still works for IBM System i Access for Windows, so it's not something completely broken on the server.

What I do know is my server certificate was renewed "recently' (September, I think). Also, I think I may have done something with the CA certificate. Also, we require client certificates, so I made a new one of those. I've exported all that and have pem files referenced in my .tn5250rc file. I also know my openssl was upgraded in August. I also applied cumulative PTFs and major groups since the last time I had it working.

What I don't know is what changed that caused the error. Is there something in openssl or tn5250 that is conflicting? Did a PTF change something in SSL on the server?

I've tried some things with the openssl client connection, but the results don't mean much to me. Any recommendations for troubleshooting?

$ tn5250 -ssl_verify_server myhost
3079489272:error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch:x509_cmp.c:325:

So this implies to me that the first error is something about not trusting the server (since not verifying presents a different error.) Does this also mean my private key has a passphrase on it? (And clearly not something I've tried with ssl_pem_pass=PASSWORD)
Sean Porterfield

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