You specified: /iasp1/java/prcExample/rpgExample.jar on your env variable.

And this has: CLASSPATH '/java/prcExample/rpgExample.jar'

2nd one missing /iasp1

Not sure if that's relevant but inconsistent.

Richard Schoen
Email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

message: 1
date: Sun, 6 Oct 2024 16:24:59 +0000
from: "Blalock, Bill via JAVA400-L" <java400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Need help with RNX0301 error -- CLASSPATH or signature error

I am trying to call Jave from RPGLESRC. I keep running into RNX0301 when executing the RPGLE program. I have been at it 3 days and sure could use some guidance.

Message . . . . : Java exception received when calling Java method.
Cause . . . . . : RPG procedure PRCPWDIRG in program BLALOCK/PRCPWDIRG
received Java exception "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:rpgExample.Item" when calling
method "<init>" with signature "()V" in class "Item".

I tried for two days to get past this error with my own class and RPG. Yesterday I decided to see if I could make RPGLE and Java work together with an example from the Internet. This is a well thought out example.

I wanted to eliminate coding errors in my RPGLE and Java, to minimize the possibility that this is a signature error. Still getting the same error.

I created an Eclipse project, rpgExample. I copied the Java source from the example into two files, and In Eclipse I exported them to the IFS as a jar file, named rpgExample.jar. The destination was /iasp1/java/prcExample. So now I have the jar in /iasp1/java/prcExample/rpgExample.jar.

I create the RPGLE program as BLALOCK/QRPGLESRC (PRCPWDIRG). I changed the package name from "com.as400samplecode" to match my package name of "rpgExample" in both Java and RPGLE.

I used this statement at the top of the RPGLE program:
'VALUE(''/iasp1/java/prcExample/rpgExample.jar'')' +

I checked the value of CLASSPATH after executing the program with WRKENVVAR. The value was
CLASSPATH '/java/prcExample/rpgExample.jar'
That is what I expected. I checked the CLASSPATH with WRKLNK. It was found.

The execution fails with the RNX0301 error.

I cannot understand what is going on. I'd appreciate some advice. I can send the source code to you.


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