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It seems DSPACTPJ may have some knowledge of the statistics across all jobs for the PJE, but nothing shows for any specific job.

Consider CHGPJE MAXUSE(*NOMAX) [note, help text is corrected in v5r4 for MAXUSE] to avoid the end condition due to maximum [re]use of the job. An ENDJOB OPTION(*CNTRLD) could be issued as the final remote command, if for some reason it is desirable that the job be ended like when MAXUSE was a specific number versus *NOMAX. Even if an upcoming termination is known, and the job currently being used was ended, then there should be the same perceived inability to determine if the /new/ job is possibly also nearing its end-of-life.?

The QIBM_QWT_JOBNOTIFY can be used to establish the start for a prestart job, but each use is not so obviously obtained from what I can determine. I am not aware of any values from QUSRJOBI nor of any similar API specific for attributes for prestart jobs. Presumably the information is the domain of the subsystem monitor job, so if there is an API, probably specific to the active subsystem. The Job Accounting journal does track necessary information. For any specific PJ, I think the ability to count is best obtained from any exit for the feature that defines that PJ. For remote command, QIBM_QZRC_RMT


Regards, Chuck

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