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  • Subject: Re: Java Stored Procedure Problems
  • From: "Fred Kulack" <kulack@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 09:08:25 -0500
  • Importance: Normal

On 05/21/2001 at 04:43:13 PM, owner-java400-l@midrange.com wrote:
I am unsure where the exact problem lies; but I would suspect that it is
DB2 (as opposed to Websphere).  Is there anyway to call this stored
procedure natively on the 400?  At least that would narrow down who the
real culprit is here.
--- end of excerpt ---

F13, change session attributes

To be more like JDBC, change the session attributes as follows:
Commitment control should be set as you've configured your Websphere EJB
method or Connection in your servlet or  whatever you're using.
    Yes, you can actually run TRANSACTION_NONE on the Native driver. Its
sort of like an optimized autocommit for you non AS/400 people (but
different). This is usually set in the URL as
"jdbc:db2:localhost;transaction isolation=none"
  Choose "Naming Convention" is *SQL

Hit enter to return to your session.
Do the call SQL statement "CALL SCHEMA.STOREDPROC"
Note that depending on your parameters (i.e. output parameters), you may
not be able to call it from interactive SQL.
In that case, just whip together a simple standalone JDBC application that
does nothing but call the stored proc. (I can send you a skeleton if you

"The stuff we call "software" is not like anything that human society
  is used to thinking about. Software is something like a machine, and
  something like mathematics, and something like language, and
  something like thought, and art, and information...
  but software is not in fact any of those other things."
Bruce Sterling - The Hacker Crackdown

Fred A. Kulack  -  AS/400e  Java and Java DB2 access, Jdbc, JTA, etc...
IBM in Rochester, MN  (Phone: 507.253.5982   T/L 553-5982)
mailto:kulack@us.ibm.com   Personal: mailto:kulack@bresnanlink.net
AOL Instant Messenger: Home:FKulack  Work:FKulackWrk

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