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  • Subject: Re: What makes Java so special?
  • From: Buck Calabro <mcalabro@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 09:54:54 -0500

[snip about ways to use data queues for AS/400 applications]

>Then along comes Java, and IBM starts telling us at this phone company that
>this is the wave of the future and we should switch all our programming
>efforts over to that environment. Now, if IBM says we have to scrap
>everything and start over, I think we say, "No." But if IBM says it works
>just fine within the environment we have created and we can do incremental
>implementation, then we look to see if there is an advantage and if so we
>prepare for the move..
You and I might think this way, but I don't think that IBM necessarily
does: witness ILE.  To use it, you need to re-write your apps...

>> For us, the problem is not "So now we want to replace the AS/400
>> client," but it is "So now we want to have a GUI front end on our
>> software."  With this definition of the problem, would you agree that
>> straight JDBC to the database makes sense, rather than write<!>
>> /400 server code that uses data queues?
>Well, that would depend..
>Although PC front ends are more dependable than they used to be, and
>although the JVM on the Java workstation is supposed to be wonderful and
>reliable and all that, I am still pretty much a coward at heart. 
>I don't like to distribute any processing that my data base might depend on
>for integrity. If I give the client the right to lock a record in my data
>base, I could be screwing myself to a wall. 

Hmmmm...  avoid record locks by serialising the updates!  Back to the
future with batch processing!   Just kidding...  
As for distributing the DB processing, well, this is a design issue, but
I think we can agree that the idea of a central DB server is to enhance
DB integrity. I'm a bit puzzled by the bit about record locking though...
There's no need for the client to ever lock a record if you don't what it to.

>Of course, SQL update requests come in from the client and are executed
>(locks and all) at the sever, so I could do that, but that means the client
>didn't know whether or not the data had changed..
>Well, I guess there is a little preference there. I'd like to see it on the
>server. But, I can see that I could write the client to issue an SQL
>request that could very well be safe. Part of that would be the ability to
>detect a record change during the update request and I don't know how to do
>that with SQL..

Locks and all?  I don't understand this bit...
As for detecting an interim record change, this is a problem that is
independent of the way you access the DB.  You'd have the exact
situation if the server were updating the DB after getting a DQ entry,
or a green-screen were updating the record after the user pressed 
the UPDATE key.

>> 1. One client, multiple server platform: compatible communication method..
>> 2. Upgrading legacy code vs. writing client/server from scratch..
>> 3. Business rule validation: who does this? The client, or the server?
>>     If the client, then how do we protect the database from "other" updates;
>>     i.e. some user who uses Access and ODBC to update our database....
>How so very true. Possibly, these considerations are a reason why MQseries
>has been so popular with those who adopted it. This gives you the
>opportunity to impose server based control on the data base with multiple
>platform support. After all, I would feel a little more secure knowing that
>I only granted read authority to those Access using guys and all updates
>were going through integrity checking. 

Again, of the potentially millions of Java programmers-to-be are going to
be able to write to MQseries?  What general Java books describe it's
use?  The whole point of my gibberings was to note that if I customise
my Java client application to suit one platform then it won't be usable
on others.

>I advocate the use of data queues because I have been so succesful with
>them and I don't see any reason to move any host applications to machines
>without data queues. But I certainly understand people developing a new
>application shying away from their use if they don't know what future they

Makes sense from that perspective.

Do you have sample Java code that talks to data queues (that you'd like
to share, of course! <g>)?  Not having partaken myself, I'm sure I could
benefit from seeing an example...

I'll go off and tinker a bit and let you know how it goes.

Thanks for the discussion, I hope that someone else on the list besides me 
learnt something!

Buck Calabro

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