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Craig, ecause we have the CRTSQLxxxI *NOGEN in the same program as the real CRTxxx command, we have no problem with being stepped on by other developers or of losing contact with QTEMP.

It is not possible to get CODE to see another job's QTEMP, as the design of QTEMP is to have its visibility restricted to its own job.

If we were to run our CSQL command from CODE in a batch manner, we'd probably have the same problem with the QTEMP being unavailable. OTOH, using *CURLIB gives you a place that can be seen, and there is the added benefit that you already have a unique *CURLIB, just to make CODE work right.


At 03:26 PM 8/29/2003 -0500, you wrote:
For a permanent library on the TOSRCFILE parm of CRTSQLRPGI, it should
probably be *CURLIB.  Otherwise, as you said it would be replaced by other
programmer compiles.  I'm still unclear on how you tell CODE to use QTEMP
from another job, even if it has ended.  I have no trouble using the
intermediate source member in QTEMP as long as it was an interactive
compile.  I just click on a field in error and the source member opens up.
The problem is when this was a batch compile and the member goes away out
of the batch job's QTEMP since the job has now ended.  The member that CODE
would find after the batch compile would either be nothing or that last
member stuffed in QTEMP from the last interactive compile.  If we always
did interactive compiles then we would always be able to get to the current
job's QTEMP for that intermediate member.

Craig Strong

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