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I'm a long way with you, Aaron. MS' Visual Studio IDE is so much easier to work in than anything IBM has come up with. And I could qualify as a 400 bigot. I've mostly worked in VB (pre .NET). Code completion is a dream there - parameters are clearly indicated. Help is normal Windows - maybe the goal is platform independence for the help in WDSC, but it is painful to wait for it. And when you are in a help page in WDSC, you cannot search - it tells you to go back to the RSE - yuk!

I'm finding that I have to become a Java guru, almost, to make this thing work even close to reasonably. But we don't do any Java, so we have no time, nor motivation, to find out that much about it. One of us does very well with CodeWright - gets all kinds of cross-referencing, etc., I believe, for the C code we write. Cl does great with SEU/PDM. I often prefer to use TextPad for C - any ASCII editor is better than waiting for RSE.

Of course you need to set some things in MS' IDE, but you don't need to know how to tweak the operational stuff that runs it, whereas you need to know Java niceties to get WDSC to work better. I can't afford the time - too much to do.



At 09:45 AM 7/24/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Big Blue has sacrificed platform independence (at least for now) to get
better tools than CODE/400 in your hands before you defect to a more popular

I hope to defect this year yet.  I am taking up .NET using Visual Studio.
'Help' in WDSc looks like meal worms compared to the 'Help' in Visual
Studio.  That is just one area where M$ kicks IBM's butt.  IBM would have
done better to create their own language rather than stick with Java.  I am
picking up the .NET environment way faster than Java, and that is because
everything is so much more seamless to the Microsoft developer.  It just
frustrates me I guess, IBM has a kick butt server and database, but less
than adequate development environment.

People like Joe Pluta would say everything is there that one could possibly
need, and he would say that Java is much farther along than .NET - and he
would probably be right, but he is a Java  guru at the top of his pack.  Try
being a RPG/Java developer and make use of all the needed tools.  They are
just too far out there for the average person to make sense of them in a
timely manner.  I am sure I could make them all work together if I was given
a certain amount of time, but time is not what I have.

>...you're likely to get your wish. Bummer!

Not soon enough for me. :-(

Sorry for the rant, but I couldn't help it. . .

Aaron Bartell

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