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I would stay with V5R1 for awhile. The functional changes to CODE alone are relatively insignificant. And you have no choice about what is installed - it's all or nothing, so you also need more disk space. We have a person running WDT 5 on a W98 machine - only a few problems with CODE Designer crapping out.

Having said that, there are apparently some improvements in the communication area, although you've probably seen a number of us reporting difficulties still.

If you do go to WDSC 4, you do not need to start with the full eclipse environment - you can still use CODEPROJ, CODEEDIT, CODEBRWS, and CODEDSU as is, and your memory requirements will actually be less - still takes a lot of disk space for the parts you're not using.

But get the latest service pack for whatever you use.



At 09:23 AM 3/20/2003 -0800, you wrote:
Hello.  We are on WDT V5R1.  So, Wdsc 4.0 is what I want to upgrade to.  I
was hoping to get a list of some of the biggest bug fixes within the Code400
part of the software.  Since that is the only part I currently use, I need
to justify the addition of memory to my machine.  I have the system
requirements that state that I need more memory, but I think the first
question that would come up would be about why I need to upgrade the
software.  I was hoping to be prepared for that question before it was
asked.  :)


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