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 >> you mean opening port 4200 (which is the default if you use it) only
does not work?

It probably would - but if you are using a Linksys (one of the most popular
low-cost devices) you can use DHCP _or_ open specific ports but not both.
I'm no expert on the topic but it seems as if port 4200 is open if the
request initiates from the PC, but in the case of the STRCODE server it
comes from the host and the firewall just seems to block it.

This brings me to a question I've had for a while.  Why does an STRCODE
server need port 4200 anyway - if it is using that for communications, what
is the point of the session?

 >> What do you mean by "I find it works better with an entry in the hosts
file rather than feed the IP into comms properties."?

It may be a legacy thing by now, but in the past we had problems with
debugger (and Designer I think) when using an IP address in Comms
Properties.  The IBM response at the time was to place an entry in the hosts
file and use that.

Jon Paris

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