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[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

I can't do without the code editor.  However, right now it isn't the best fit
with SQL.  Prompting isn't so much the issue--I've gotten to the stage where 
I don't need it or I've prototyped what I want to do in STRSQL already--the
compile error handling is what annoys me.

>From what I understand, the SQL precompiler hasn't quite caught up with the
Code way of reporting errors when you want to specify debug options.  If I get
errors in the precomiler I get them fed back nicely, but errors in the RPG
results in getting back errors inserted into the output of the precompiler,
which is hard to work with.

If you end up having issues after you get to the compile stage, post again.

>From: Cyndi Bradberry
>Reply-To: code400-l@midrange.com
>To: "CODE400-L (E-mail)"
>Subject: SQL Prompts
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 12:20:49 -0600
>Ok, we are just starting to use SQL. I just rec'd the ATS SQL course and am
>having lots of fun learning what I didn't know. I just did the lesson for
>entering embedded SQL in to an RPG pgm where you press F4 to prompt the SQL
>Statement. WOW !!! That's neat !
>However, I am using CODE/400 almost exclusively and tried the same thing
>there...nothing. I checked HELP and it confirmed it. We are at OS/400 V4R4
>and Code V4R5M1 SP2. I do use a STRCODE Session.
>Does Code V5 have prompting for SQL ? I could push to get it if it did. If
>not, is there any plans to add this functionality ? It makes it difficult to
>push others to use code when SEU had better functionality.
>Cyndi B.
>Boise, ID
>This is the CODE/400 Discussion & Support (CODE400-L) mailing list
>To post a message email: CODE400-L@midrange.com
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