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I want to stop the STRCODE command from prompting for a current library
twice right after opening a member in CODE/400.  Has anyone had this happen
to them?  It is happening to some people who do not use CODE/400 very often
but I cannot duplicate it on my AS/400 session.  I remember getting it on
my AS/400 session when we first got CODE/400 but after awhile it stopped
asking.  I am on WINNT and it works fine.  I know other people on WIN 2000
who are fine.  I think it might have to do with the user profile being the
same as the current library since that is the only difference I can see.
My user profile name is different than my current library and has my
current library in the current library whereas the people who have problems
have *CRTDFT in current library field of user profile.  Although there is a
person who has *CRTDFT in current library and it works fine for them.
Whether the current library is changed or not before executing the STRCODE
command, I still see in the job log of the session executing the STRCODE
command where a CHGCURLIB was executed twice.  Both times, the current
library is highlighted with (Paramter current library required) and you
have to type something in.  This becomes frustrating when people want to
open one member, asks for current library twice, then open up another
member and asks for current library twice again.  It is even more
frustrating that IBM has not heard of and cannot duplicate this problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Craig Strong

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