× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
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  • Subject: Inserting Specs of a different type after a given type.
  • From: "Dwight HoganCamp" <Dhogancamp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 12:16:57 -0400


Code is a wonderful tool that has a lot of really neat search and find
capabilities. These abilities are useless if we can't do the basic functions
we know how to do in SEU.  Quickly and efficiently modify source code.

When adding a line of code, the program has gotten so smart you can't tell
it what kind of line to prompt for when entering the prefix commands. You
have to enter IP, let it come up with a prompt based on the last line of
code entered. If it is right, you are ok. If not you have extra windows to
display and select from to get your line added.

How many times does the spec type change in a program? (F to IX to JX to C
to CX to * to C to CX, etc.) Every time it second guesses me wrong, I have
to waste time getting my code in while I ask for the right prompt. A clever
tool for new programmers, or people new to the computer, but we are people
who are in the business of producing code.

With SEU, we can type IPCX, IPC, IPO, IPI, etc. This technique is a bit
cryptic, but it is intuitive once you know how to program and it is quick
and efficient.

I know programmers who are playing with code to see how it works, but won't
commit to using it all the time because they can get to prompts faster using
SEU and it is to time consuming and unproductive to fight yourself all the

All the attention to the mouse is a nice add on, but you can not loose track
of the fact that we are still writing text code. Every time you make us take
our hands off the keyboard to control the program I loose time. Finding a
little edit button, and point and click on undo can not be as fast as
reaching the top of the keyboard and pressing F5 to refresh the screen to
get rid of the last things I keyed since pressing enter. One keystroke with
my hands already in place.

I would like to see them add some of our basic functionality from SEU, back
into the program. Once it  is there and people feel confident when using
code it will gain wider acceptance.

I've heard a lot of noise about how good it is ever since it was announced
years ago and only recently had a chance to try it, and I have to admit it
in many ways has been a disappointment. I know part of my problem is the new
way of doing things, but some things don't need to be done new ways.
Prompting the spec type is something every good editor has had since the
S/36 and S/38 because it is a good idea. Don't give up on 15 years or so of
a proven track record just for a novel point and click idea that is less
efficient.  You will have to take  SEU away before people will give it up
for code as it exists.

Dwight HoganCamp
Sturm Ruger Inc

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