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Well, Buck had the best explanation yet, but there is still an iSeries "bit"
not easily discernible from this note - The Websphere Application Server
(WAS, not to be confused with the Websphere Application Studio, or WAS {tee
hee!!!}) is, at OS/400 V4R5 not REALLY part of the iSeries stuff unless you
order yet ANOTHER feature.  Sure, you get SOMETHING with the OS/400, called
5769AS1 - WebSphere Application Server for AS/400, and yes it IS free if you
have software subscription, but it doesn't seem to do much other than act as
a base for yet ANOTHER feature, called 5733AS3 - WebSphere Application
Server Standard Edition (or yet another feature for "Advanced Edition"),
which is ALSO FREE, but you have to order it as a separate feature, and be
careful because there are lots of versions out there depending on the
encryption level you seek and "version" level (V3.0.2 or V3.5 or, I hear,
V3.6 for Advanced).  And without the server configured and running, I think
not a whole lot happens with this stuff except you CAN use Code400 and DSU
and the like.

And now I would guess there can't be ANY MORE QUESTIONS, Right??????


Ric LuBell

-----Original Message-----
From: Buck Calabro [mailto:Buck.Calabro@commsoft.net]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 5:46 PM
To: CODE400-L@midrange.com
Subject: RE: How to order V5R1 of wdts

>I'm still confused.  

Not surprising.  The marketeers have gone berserk with this product (now
ADTS/CS was the original Code/400 & VaRPG
It was renamed WebSphere Development Tools (WDT/400).  That's what you have
(me, too.) V4R5M1.
This product is now bundled with WebSphere Application Studio.   THAT
contains not only WDT, but the iSeries compilers, PDM, SEU, WebFacing and (I
think) WebSphere Application Server.  When you order OS400 V5R1, you get to
order a free copy of WebSphere Application Studio if you owned a copy of
OS400 V4R5 PDM, compiler, WebSphere APplication Server, etc.

Note that the version of WebSphere Development Tools you have (V4R5) bears
no relationship to the OS400 version.  It will edit stuff down on an OS400
V4R1 machine.  The same is true of the new bundle: Some genuis called it
V5R1, but only the iSeries stuff is for OS400 V5R1 (the compilers, PDM,
etc.)  Code/400 and VaRPG (the bits you load on your PC) will run on other
releases of OS400.

Let me try again.  After reading that I confused myself!

The new bundle contains PC bits and iSeries bits.  The whole thing is called
V5R1.  The bits that go on your PC do NOT require OS/400 V5R1, but the bits
that go on your iSeries does.

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