× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I thought I knew most of the possible answers to this problem but I'm

We're teaching on a customer site and Code/400 is busily trying to convince
them that it is a waste of time.  We're using the V3R3M3 try-and-buy
version (the latest release refuses to load on most of the machines here so
this was our backup plan.)

They were raving about when we demo'd it and couldn't wait to try - now
only three in a room of twelve still have the patience to keep trying.
Why? mostly because the *$%! messages keep popping up on the wrong PC!

We started off using the autostart servers but that causes real problems
because of the way the library list is defined here (everyone has the same
CURLIB by default) so we switched to STRCODE servers (STRCODTCP in fact).
That worked for some of the folks for a while but today there are three PCs
that it doesn't matter what we do they all send messages to the same PC.
This in spite of the fact that the job logs clearly show that the correct
IP address is being used and the fact that we changed STRCODTCP so that
they each have a unique server name.  The logs clearly show this server
being used on the submit for the compile but still the messages go to the
wrong PC.

We've killed the code servers, we've killed all the EVFEVENT files (is
there another file involved? - there's something at the back of my mind
that says there is) we killed the daemons and started everything from
scratch and still the messages appear.

Can anyone give us a clue here - what am I missing?

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