× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Much of the reasons why someone might want to look up "B" transactions is duplicated in other files.
ESH ESL at time of shipping,
SIL SIH at time of billing.

Some of these files are stored by BPCS to infinity, and need evaluation how long do you really need to store that data, then make arrangements to purge that which is older than you need.

We often have multiple customer order lines on same customer / item that get shipped out together, resulting in multiple "B" transactions reflecting pieces of the same actual shipment, and most of our users want to view total quantity sent same date, not how it was organized prior to shipment or which ECL lines it came off of. Thus most of our shipping history inquiries are not looking at ITH file.

Al Macintyre
BPCS/400 Computer Janitor at http://www.globalwiretechnologies.com/

We process many "B" transactions for the same customer / product / date. We
have been dealing with this sequence number problem for some time for our
fastest moving items. I am thinking about writing a program that would
replace all ITH "B" transaction records older that a set number of days with
summary records where one record represents all such transactions for the
same customer, product, date. For anything older than 60 or 90 days we
really don't need detail information -- just the ability to identify when
some abnormal movement took place.
once the unconsolidated records are replaced by the summary records it is
easy to resequence the file and update the sequence number field in the IIM.
(In fact, we do that part already as part of our purge routine.)

Mark Bazer
Director, Information Systems
Dyno Merchandise
Pompano Beach, FL

Al Macintyre
BPCS/400 Computer Janitor at http://www.globalwiretechnologies.com/
See Al at http://www.ryze.com/go/Al9Mac
Emergency notification (homeland, weather, etc.) http://www.emergencyemail.org/
Find BPCS Documentation Suppliers http://radio.weblogs.com/0107846/stories/2002/11/08/bpcsDocSources.html

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