We filled out an "old" sizing document because the "new" one was not ready. SSA than took the recommendations and "upped" them by 60%. The 2177 performed great when we were running 4.0.05 (our old version of BPCS). We went live with 6.0.04 mixed mode in November of 1998. The performance has been poor. We have analyzed and created many logical files to help the SQL performance. We have since filled out a "new" sizing document. SSA is now recommending the 2178 with more memory. The only workload change on the system has been BPCS 6.0.04. The new version of BPCS is far more resource hungry than previous versions (we started on BPCS 2.1). There was no sticker shock and pull-back. We went with SSA's recommendations. We are now verifying them with our local IBM branch (wish I had done that to begin with). -----Original Message----- From: Doug Schneider [SMTP:dschneider@gssolutions.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 9:21 AM To: 'BPCS-L@midrange.com' Subject: RE: BPCS Performance Problems I agree Mike. I work for an SSA ISV Hardware provider, and if the sizing document reflects the actual workload, then the system will be sized by the Competency Center correctly. However, some customers experience "sticker shock", because the workload specified places them into a larger than expected system. They then cutback their work estimates, and the problems begin. Again, as an SSA hardware provider, we go a few steps further, and examine the true workload of the system with the customer, to insure that the system recommended will support the load. Remember, the sizing that anyone does is a "best fit" to the information a customer gives. If the workload changes, then the system recommended may not be the needed. The workload needs to be the BUSIEST one-hour. -----Original Message----- From: mbreit@us.ibm.com [SMTP:mbreit@us.ibm.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 6:39 PM To: BPCS-L@midrange.com Subject: Re: BPCS Performance Problems Dwight, I'm not sure when your sizing was done, or by whom, but I certainly recommend you contact the IBM/SSA International Competency Center in Chicago if you have an AS/400 system sizing that doesn't seem right. The competency center staff has worked with SSA to development the current sizing tool for BPCS ver6 on the AS/400 and they work with the IBM group that does all sizings for the Americas. The IBM/SSA Competency Center can be reached via phone at 312-474-7333 or via e-mail at ibmssa@us.ibm.com. A S20 2177 is a custom mixed-mode server model, which is better suited to handle a mixture of client/server & interactive work than the normal server models (i.e. S20 2166). If you see the CFINTxx jobs using CPU like you describe then the amount of interactive workload on your system is too high. This could be caused by the use of green-screen BPCS functions, interactive third-party products, etc. The Sxx custom mixed-mode servers are appropriate for many BPCS ver6 mixed-mode customers, but the details of your workload are the key. If you are considering an upgrade, you should also consider the new AS/400 7xx servers just announced last week. They offer a lot more flexibility in configuring a system with the right level of system and interactive performance than the Sxx or 6xx models. Mike Breitbach - IBM Rochester Development +--- | This is the BPCS Users Mailing List! | To submit a new message, send your mail to BPCS-L@midrange.com. | To subscribe to this list send email to BPCS-L-SUB@midrange.com. | To unsubscribe from this list send email to BPCS-L-UNSUB@midrange.com. | Questions should be directed to the list owner: dasmussen@aol.com +--- begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B4/`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`J $```$````1`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````10`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$)00U,M3$!M:61R86YG92YC;VT`4TU4 M4 !"4$-3+4Q ;6ED<F%N9V4N8V]M`````!X``C !````!0```%--5% ````` M'@`#, $````4````0E!#4RU,0&UI9')A;F=E+F-O;0`#`!4,`0````,`_@\& M````'@`!, $````6````)T)00U,M3$!M:61R86YG92YC;VTG`````@$+, $` M```9````4TU44#I"4$-3+4Q 34E$4D%.1T4N0T]-``````,``#D`````"P! 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