× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


How can I get QzhbCgiParse  to format (seperators, field prefixes and
field values) incoming POSTed data  in the same manner that QtmhRdStin

(NOTE: I also want to take advantage of the -F and -N flags in
QzhbCgiParse  to convert incoming BINARY data from one CCSID to

I can get the QzhbCgiParse -F and -N flags to work as I want to
convert incoming data from 1208 to 37, but the formatting of the data
is different...see RQSDATA and ZHBBUFFER below.

*** QtmhRdStin

I have a CGI application that works fine and dandy with QtmhRdStin
to read data from the Apache server.

The file ccsid is 37 and the net ccsid is 819..CGI data is CGIConvMode

If data has been sent via POST from the browser it appears A) with no
prefix on the field name and B) the separator between fields is the
ampersand, as below:

EVAL RqsData
     1   'W2E_SSNID=W90NIxGoSsN1023ZYW2E140876000001CLSpKfgkCJSLKsc600'
    61   '001JKenjKnEDJuNX9GoVjCEbqIuKh6kFRvbzYnUxgQtONszJldyAar3LtTSw'
   121   'smBLpdlPc5iDH4Zf70&_F0546U=cocsi01&_F0626U=rfv697481&_KEN=Lo'
   181   'g+on                                                        '
   241   '                                                            '

*** QtmhRdStin

However if I rewrite my CGI program to use QzhbCgiParse

...and change the apache server config to CGIConvMode BINARYand
convert the outgoing data to be UTF-8 (1208) (using ICONV API)...

...then when QzhbCgiParse reads the POSTed data in:

A) The field names are prefixed with 'FORM_'.
B) The seperator is a semi-colon, not an ampersand.
C) The value of the fields is enclosed in single apostrophes.

> EVAL zhbBuffer
       1   'FORM_W2E_SSNID='W90NIxGoSsN1023ZYW2E140985000001CLSpKfgkCJSL'
      61   'Ksc600001JKenjKnEDJuNX9GoVjCEbqIuKh6kFRvbzYnUxgQtONszJldyAar'
     121   '3LtTSwsmBLpdlPc5iDH4Zf71'; FORM__F0546U='cocsi01'; FORM__F06'
     181   '26U='rfv697481'; FORM__KEN='Log on'                        '
     241   '                                                            '

I am invoking QzhbCgiParse as follows:

C                   eval      zhbCmd = '-POST -F 00037 -N 01208 ' +x'00'
C                   callb (e) 'QzhbCgiParse'
C                   parm                    zhbCmd
C                   parm                    zhbFormat
C                   parm                    zhbBuffer
C                   parm                    zhbBufLen
C                   parm                    zhbRspLen
C                   parm                    QUSEC


I can use the -p flag to change the prefix...but I cannot remove the
prefix altogether.

I cannot, yet, affect the seperator or remove the enclosing apostrophes.

Any advice?


Simon Cockayne

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