× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

---Thanks again guys!

You can still get the "old" CODE designers for display and printer
files - the printer file one is really quite good - it does mess with
RLU settings, but some might say they can't figure out RLU - they're
crotchety, too!

---Okay, I'll see about those Code400 pieces.. I know RDi deprecates
WDSC, but this was the "best-cost" way to update ourselves during a
pending probable merger, and corporate budget considerations.


Anyhow, CODE and VARPG are on a separately labeled CD. They are pretty
officially deprecated but still work fine.

Technically the server side isn't tied to the client side. The same
server code on the i (5722WDS option 60) handles WDSC and its
replacements, RDi and RDi SOA. Remember, WDSC is deprecated, with
support to end a little over 18 months (April of 2010). Get acquainted

with WDSC, but remember that if you want to continue using that sort
of tool, the new tool is RDi (or it's big brother, RDi SOA).

---Yeah, got that, this is pending i6.0 anyway, and somebody said RDi is
somewhat similar..



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