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Fact: Microsoft DOES provide software and hardware vendors with pre- release versions of operating systems to give them time to update their software and drivers. They cannot control what those vendors do with it though. IBM has had ample time to update their software to work with Vista or to develop work-around procedures to users. All new computers are coming pre-loaded with Vista, including business machines so IBM along with all the others had better catch up or face a severe user backlash.

While it is true that Microsoft has a poor track record on software reliability itself, the fact that WDSC will not update or load or run on Vista is not Microsofts problem it is IBMs.

Microsoft is also not to blame for the fact that WDSC has no means to interact with the iSeries in an interactive manner. They have had plenty of time to migrate CODE Designer to WDSC but have chosen instead to focus on web applications even though I would guess that a majority of users would prefer the latter.

Please IBM we just want an stable, quick and complete IDE we can use.

On Feb 19, 2007, at 12:10 PM, Joe Pluta wrote:

I used Win2K until 2005.  I in fact still have a W2K backup machine,
although XP has proven remarkably stable. I won't move off of W2K (if at all) until Vista has three or four years of track record (and a couple of
service packs).

There's a reason Windows XP is supported until 2009 (with extended support
until 2014).  Anybody on the Vista bandwagon now is part of the MSFBTC
(Microsoft Free Beta Testing Corps), especially as far as drivers goes. Heck, Windows Server 2003 64-bit is years old and still has patchy driver


From: Holden Tommy

Exactly my point...it's not just IBM that were not given access to the OS prior to release. There are lots of hardware vendors scrambling to
build drivers, software vendors making patches to accommodate the OS
changes, etc. If anyone is to blame...it's M$ for NOT sharing with the
people who have to now support the OS.  There are lots of people who
rushed out to install Vista only to find out their hardware isn't
compatible due to missing/malfunctioning drivers, software doesn't work
because the software vendor didn't have updates...that's one of the
major reasons I never jump in whenever M$ decides to release an OS...i
just let others debug it for me.

Anyone besides me notice that MS is also a disease???

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