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I would like to have a copy of the slides if IBM will allow you to send


-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of AGlauser@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 9:49 AM
To: Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] XML tools with WDSC 6 Generate iseries data

Deby  wrote on 20/10/2006 10:37:33 AM:

Are you saying that I can use the Extenders in WDSC?  I am new to WDSC

and would rather be using it than just Green Screen.

Not per se.  From what I understand from researching this for possible
use myself, is that the extenders contain programs for parsing and
generating XML documents.  All you have to do is give them a DTD to
describe the XML structure, a table name so it can get the table
description, and a 'map' 
that says "The customer name element is here in the XML (I assume
specifed using XPath), and this should be put in the DB field
'custname'."  The DAD file is the map.

WDSC XML tools help in a couple of ways:
1.  Create a DTD from a document if you don't already have one from your
trading partner.
2.  Help you create the DAD file.
3.  Help you create test documents.
4.  Probably a

I don't know how useful it would be without the presenter accompianying
it, but if I can get permission from the presenter I'd be happy to pass
along the slides.  They have some screenshots of the XML tools and some
steps to help get going.  If anyone is interested let me know and I'll
contact IBM to see if I can send the slides over without getting in
trouble :)


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