× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

> Heck I probably don't even know what 80% of what's in it _is_ let alone
use it.  

This is where IBM has dropped the ball.  They should be getting this tooling
into colleges and businesses and then give _free_ training courses, and do
it often.

A month or so ago an IBM'er came to the tech college in Mankato MN from
Rochester MN to do a WDSc training session.  I was very excited to hear that
IBM was getting involved in the next generation of developers.  I attended
and it was a great session! 

During the course of the training I found out that it wasn't IBM marketing
that had gotten their butts in gear but instead it was the daughter of one
of the IT professors at the tech college who was donating her free time to
let us hear about WDSc.  I was both excited and depressed to learn that.
Excited because she believed in the product enough to travel 2 hours and
give a bunch of students an education on a great product, but depressed
because it had nothing to do with IBM standing behind her.

Anyways... I could piss and moan all day...

The more I use WDSc the more I like it.  There is great tooling in there for
XML purposes, for web services, for Java Web UI purposes, the list goes
on....  Keep using it and you will become more familiar with the other
feature sets available.

Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces+albartell=gmail.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wdsci-l-bounces+albartell=gmail.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jeff
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 2:09 PM
To: 'Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries'
Subject: [WDSCI-L] RE: Anyone not using WDSC for RPG development

> My personal opinion of WDSC is that it obviously does lots of nice 
> things but it suffers from the same problem that WebSphere Application 
> Server has -- lots of thought given to bells and whistles, very little 
> thought given to usability.
> This is contrary to one of the key philosophies of OS/400 which is to 
> hide complexity as much as possible.

I tend to agree with you.

Once upon a time I asked Roger Pence what he thought the real underlying
problem was with Client Access.  His answer in one word: "overengineered".
IBM seems to be good at that.

That being said, I use WDSC for RPG development and would kick and scream a
holy fit if it was taken away.  At the same time I will probably _never_ use
80% plus of what's in WDSC.  Heck I probably don't even know what 80% of
what's in it _is_ let alone use it.  I bought Joe Pluta's WDSC book.  It's
over 500 pages and doesn't talk about editing until page 377.

Jeff Crosby
Dilgard Frozen Foods, Inc.
P.O. Box 13369
Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369

The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion of my
company.  Unless I say so.

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