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The problem you are having is the one that David described.  I am the one
that reported it to IBM and figured out the workaround mentioned.

All of WDSC is plugins, it doesn't matter who they come from.  When you
installed those updates, you installed new plugins.

There are several issues at play here:

1)  WDSC 5.1 installed with an invalid configuration due to that problem
with the LPEX feature.

2)  When a new workspace is created, Eclipse will allow it to be created
even if the configuration is invalid.

3)  The Install/Update process will allow updates to be installed even if
the configuration is invalid.

4)  When plugins are installed outside the Install/Update perspective, when
you first startup Eclipse detects the new plugins and validates the
configuration.  It does not allow you to add the new plugins if the current
or new configuration is invalid.

5)  The configuration of plugins is workspace dependent.  So when you do
Install/Update from one, they are not added to the configuration of the
others until you startup one of those workspaces and confirm the updates.
Because of #4, this is where you run into problems.

6)  You did not get the problem in your first workspace because of #3 and
because the Interim Fix 003 installed a newer version of the LPEX feature
that fixes the configuration.

The workaround in the APAR should work for you, although it is possible it
will not work in that one workspace you started that had the original
problem.  I think it might though.


      To    "'Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries'"
      Subject     RE: [WDSCI-L] Problem with upgrade with multiple
"Joe Pluta" <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces+markp=softlanding.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
12/28/2003 07:54 PM CST
<HR><font size=-1>Please respond to
Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
<wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx></font><HR>         <font size=-1></font>

> From: David Gibbs
> That's a known bug ... check out APAR SE12024
>   or http://www-912.ibm.com/n_dir/nas4apar.NSF/c79815e083182fec86
> 2564c00079d117/afde9ba5f92de11586256dbc003c9e91?OpenDocument).

Actually, it doesn't quite fit this profile.  I have no plugins, I only
have WDSC.  I have multiple workspaces.  I upgraded in one workspace,
and now the other workspaces are broken.  The workspace comes up
properly as V5.1, but I get that weird message.

It gets more bizarre, because the second time I bring up a workspace, I
do not get that message.  However, at some point in this process, WDSC
decided to set one of my workspaces as the default, and now I can't get
to my other workspaces without specifying -data on the command line.

I'm beginning to find the fragile edges of the product, and they're not
too comforting.

I decided to check the workspace through Update Manager, and it says I'm
all up to date.  I'm hoping it's just a transient error in the workspace
update process.

> You will probably have to roll your WDSC config back to before the
> first manifest in order for the fix to work at all.

I don't even understand this.  You're saying I need to "roll back" my
config.  Having never done this, I'm not sure what you mean.


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