× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

We've been trying to prove out the usage numbers in INP60...  We are doing
weekly updages (1/INC) and have been since the start of this fiscal year...
The average weekly usage numbers just don't add up...  Does anyone else
have any knowledge or experience proving these numbers are valid...???

Take a look at how JBA calculates usage this year (USTY60)  and average
weekly usage (AVUW60) in INP60.

The problems are: USTY60 is increased by tran type N on raw materials, and
we cannot find any underlying data to support AVUW60.

USTY60 is updated in IN070.
AVUW60 is updated in IN023.
Our company profiles are set for a monthly average.

IN023 uses INP90 which is a summary of inventory activity by month.  I can
tie the INP90 summary numbers back to INP95.  However for adjustments it
sums the absolute value of the transactions.  So the summary activity in
INP90 is not the net inventory movements for an item.  Also the absolute
value of the N transactions for raw materials are added to the adjustment

I have not been able to find any combination of the numbers in INP90 which
supports the average monthly usage in INP60.

Some variation of the adding absolute values may explain how usage this
year is increased rather than reduced by transaction type N.  Remember the
N is normally a production receipt on finished parts.  JBA also uses the N
transaction on raw material for a reverse backflush created by a W
production adjustment, unmake finished parts.


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